Physical Therapy Workforce Shortage Continues to Grow
For years, the physical therapy community has been warning policymakers that the United States is facing a national shortage of physical therapists and physical therapy professionals. This crisis is particularly acute in rural areas because many physical therapists are concentrated in major metropolitan areas. Now, a new report confirms that these troubling trends worsened during…
APTQI Signs Letter to House & Senate Leaders with G Code Coalition
On October 4, a letter was sent to Congressional leaders on behalf of 47 organizations, including APTQI, representing over 1.2 million physician and nonphysician providers and the patients they serve, urging Congress to halt the implementation of Healthcare Common Procedure Coding Systems add-on code G2211. This code is set to be implemented in the calendar…
Physical Therapy Practices Host Lawmakers Across the Country
APTQI members have been putting advocacy into action by inviting lawmakers to visit their practices and learn more about the value of physical therapy. During these tours, members of the physical therapy community have had the opportunity to educate lawmakers and their staff about the critical role that our services play in the healthcare delivery…
Advocacy in Action: APTQI Goes to Capitol Hill
At APTQI, we are committed to educating lawmakers on physical therapy’s role in the healthcare delivery system. Our engagement with Congress helps advance innovative policy solutions to stabilize payments, reduce regulatory burden, and improve access to community-based physical therapy services. Last week, APTQI Executive Director Nikesh Patel, PT furthered that mission by joining the American…
Increased Use of Physical Therapy Could Reduce Healthcare Spending
About 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year, resulting in costly medical bills and in some cases, deaths. As billions of dollars are spent on hospitalizations, emergency room visits, and opioid use to treat Medicare beneficiaries’ falls, a new study from The Moran Company, an HMA Company, points to a solution: increased…
Physical Therapy Community Opens Their Doors to Lawmakers
At APTQI, we know that physical therapy provides one of the best values in all of healthcare. We are focused on increasing understanding of what we do by proactively advocating for therapists and the patients we serve. To further this mission, APTQI members have invited lawmakers to visit their practices to learn about physical therapy’s…