Our Blog

APTQI Members Host Spring Clinic Tours and Advocate for Legislation to Improve Access to Physical Therapy

As we wrap up the Spring portion of our 2024 Practice Tour Program, APTQI is proud to have hosted Members of Congress for local practice tours and facilitated conversations with patients, clinic owners, and seasoned physical therapists. In March and April, lawmakers and their staff toured eight APTQI member clinics across the country, meeting with…

As Falls Experts, Physical and Occupational Therapists Can Prevent Dangerous and Costly Senior Falls

Falls-related injuries and deaths among seniors are increasing: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predict that senior falls will rise to 52+ million annually by 2030. This staggering statistic underscores the need for more Medicare beneficiaries to receive a falls assessment from a falls expert: a physical or occupational therapist (PT and OT).…

